The project consists of a T shaped 70 bedroom Travelodge hotel with a ground floor A3 retail unit
The main entrance is to the front off the High Street leading into the reception, lifts and staircase, Bar Café, kitchen, office and back of house facilities.
The vehicular entrance to the site is off the rear service road where there are 47 car parking spaces. The car park has pedestrian access to the rear of the reception lifts and the stair core.
The 1st and 2nd floors has 25 bedrooms whilst the 3rd floor has 20 bedrooms consisting of family rooms with bathrooms double rooms with showers and 4 no accessible room with wet room shower located adjacent to the lift core
The structural design of building is to be of a steel frame ground floor with a metal deck concrete podium and timber frame to the upper floors.
The building is finished externally in facing brickwork, render and aluminium cladding with aluminum windows and doors